Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Gone Raw!! Day 22

Aug 22nd, and the 22nd day of going Raw!!!!  I am typing and still wondering what happened to the weekend. Today was a pretty good day overall, and boy was it busy at work because of hurricane Irene. The good thing is that time flew by before you know it was the end of my shift. Last night my son woke me up 3 times so I didn't get much sleep, and I was so tired I did not want to drive to the gym. Hopefully, I can go Tuesday because my body is calling for the Precor and some weights. I hope that everyone had a nice Juicy day as well. Now lets see what landed in my belly because my bed is calling me again.

Day 22
Plenty of water

Snack: Banana

Juicy Mon.....Spinach, Kale, Dandelion, green apple, carrot, half peach, ginger, green pepper, cucumber, and beet.

Snack: Pistachios

Snack: Plum

Salad....Mixed greens, onions, green peppers, feta cheese, carrots, avocado, and natural balsamic dressing


Snack: Toasted Seaweed (Sea Snax)

Ecto-Cooler (named by my friend Kelley).....Kale, cucumber, celery, granny smith apple, and zucchini.

"Knowing is not enough; we must apply. Willing is not enough; we must do." ~Goethe

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