Dolicious Tips on healthy living

Train your mind:
Do not tell yourself that you are on a diet. The journey to weight-loss is a lifestyle change. If you are dieting then look forward to seeing the weight return shortly after it comes off. 

Trick your mind:
Since childhood you have been told to clean your plate, and now it's a habit. You can reduce your intake, but eating on smaller dinner plates. Add the appropriate serving sizes of a well balanced meal on smaller plates, and you won't feel horrible after scarfing down your whole plate. 

Lace up and save gas:
When the weather permits, and you need a few light things from the store use your feet vs. your car. Not only do you get a good workout, but your also being green at the same time. Make the walk count by power-walking or at least pushing yourself. If you don't have recyclable bags then purchase one while at the store so your not having to hold on the way home in your hands. 

Switch it up:
Don't eat the same meals all the time. Visit several websites for healthy alternatives to your favorite meals. Otherwise, your lifestyle change will seem more and more like a diet and that's not a good thing. I personally suggest browsing Weight Watchers and Hungry-Girl.

Don't forget:
Eat eat eat....Do not forget to eat!!!! Your body is like a furnace, and you have to keep the fire burning. When you put food into your mouth make sure that it's nutritious and tasty. Fruit is always a good start. Yes, Healthy can be delicious too!

Make the time:
In order to successfully lose and maintain weight you must exercise. I have not meet one person or read any articles that someone has stated that they only changed their diet and lost a significant amount of weight. If you want to be successful in your journey exercise should be included into your normal routine just like your hygiene routine, and normal trip to the cafe shoppe.

Use them:
If you live or work at a place that has stairs then use them. I work on the 4th floor and have begin taking the stairs vs. elevator. I have even began using the restroom on the 1st floor so I can take the stairs back up. 

Get in ten:
When taking trips to the restroom add 10 squats after you finish your business while in the stall or  while washing your hands. You can also use the counter to do 10 quick push-ups.  Every little bit helps.