Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Gone Raw!! Day 15

August 15th, and the 15th day of going RAW!!!!! It was a good day even with the time that I had to leave the house this morning. My little guy was very excited for his uncle to take him to school today, and when I picked him up he was so excited to tell me about his day.  He showed and read the book to me that he picked from the library, and completed his homework that he stated was very easy.  At work I switched things up a bit for lunch, buy juicing and eating salad wraps. Earlier, I had the feeling that I may be coming down with something or it could be allergies. This kinda sucks because if I am coming down with something I really can't afford to be sick, so lets hope that it's just allergies. Enough of my day lets see what landed in my belly today....

Day 15
Plenty of water
Morning Bicep....Spinach, half carrot, half kiwi, granny smith apple, chunk pineapple, cucumber, finger size ginger, and beet

Snack: Pistachios

Salad Juice....Green leaf lettuce, spinach, kale, pineapple, green apple, half kiwi, ginger, cucumber, and beet
Salad Wrap...Green leaf lettuce, ribbon carrots, cucumber,and some pulp from salad juice

Snack: Banana and Pistachios

Snack: Naked Green Machine

Avocado Wraps and fresh squeezed lime, kiwi, and raw honey drink.

"Progress has little to do with speed but much to do with direction."~ Unknown

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