Saturday, March 12, 2011

I didn't lose, but I have not failed!

This morning I weighed in, and there was no lost, and I actually had a .6 gain. I wasn't upset or disappointed with myself by no means because I know that I followed plan by staying within my allotted points and added more exercise as well. The assignment that I gave myself this week was to review last weeks tracker and see what can be changed. Yes, I stayed within my pp values, but I can problem do without the cookie from downstairs and cut back on the grapes. I know your thinking that grapes are healthy and 0 points, but whenever I eat them my body feels as if it is going into a sugar overload. This week I will incorporate two meatless days, and eat more living foods. I purchased the WW Dark chocolate turtles that are only 2 pp value to have on hand in case I want a treat. They are awesome when paired with a banana. I have also decided that all breakfast at work will be prepared by me so I know everything that's in it. The key is to be prepared so I will chop chop and chop to keep things healthy and fresh. I didn't lose this week, but I have not failed!!!

"There are many ways to fail, but only one way to succeed; NEVER GIVE UP!" ~J. Pangalila

The best medication that you can ever take is food, but all meds have side effects. With the right choices your side effect can be a healthy or unhealthy you. Choose your next meal carefully!

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